6 Types of Transplants Ruining L.A.

L.A. Weekly published this article about the 6 types of transplants that are ruining L.A. Check out the list and tell us what type of transplant you are.

L.A. Weekly published this article about the 6 types of transplants that are ruining the city of Los Angeles. Among those, there’s the hippie, the instant hater and the actor… I don’t know about you, but the writer definitely sounds like the instant hater to me. Check out the list of descriptions and tell us what type of transplant you are.

From L.A. Weekly:

Every day, hundreds (just to go with a nice round number) of hard-working, diverse, interesting people come to Los Angeles and feed our desperately sluggish economy, buying tacos and facial treatments and what have you.

But let’s face it. We get a lot of the wrong kind of people moving to Los Angeles, too. We see them every day, clogging our bars, taking our parking spots and hitting on our women. 

If only there were some kind of limit on certain people, like the United States used to have under Warren G. Harding to keep out all the Chinamen.

Here are the six kinds of people City Hall should put a hard quota on — and by hard quota, we mean zero.

Here, then, are the six worst kinds of L.A. transplants:  Read More

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