
Los Angeles experienced a 4.4 earthquake. Find out more details about the quake and a checklist to make sure that you're prepared.

I woke up this AM screaming at the top of my lungs and feeling unsure of what was happening, only to realize that we were having an earthquake.  Although it was quick (maybe 4-5 seconds), it was hella freaky! I’m originally from Alabama and our major threat is Hurricanes, a trackable natural disaster that you can prepare for. With earthquakes, you never know when they may strike or how strong they’ll be.

Lately we’ve been getting mini quakes around the valley and coastal areas, with this one, a size 4.4 and centered in Encino. It’s definitely been the biggest jolt I’ve felt since living in Los Angeles, and some residents say it’s been the biggest jolt since the aftershocks of the Northridge quake that registered at a 6.7 in 1994.

Drop, Cover and Hold On - slideshowIn the next 3 days there is a 5% chance that there will be another quake or aftershocks, but that also means that there is a 95% chance that there won’t. Before I moved to L.A., I was always warned about the earthquakes and a threat of “The Big One” that’s supposed to completely annihilate California. I have to admit that it’s always in the back of mind, because you never know.

While you shouldn’t spend your days worrying about a quake, you should definitely be prepared with an earthquake strategy and a survival kit in case the big(ger) one strikes. Here’s a comprehensive earthquake safety checklist from fema and a detailed image below.


Preparing your earthquake survival kit


Did You Feel The Earthquake? What Did You Do? 

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